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Dr. Shrutisingh Tomar

Textile & Apparel Design

Shruti has work experience in teaching, Research and Industrial experience in the area of craft research and studies and design.

She did Msc. in clothing and Textiles from the MS University of Baroda, Faculty development programme from NID, Ahemdabad and Phd in clothing and textiles from the MS University of Baroda, Vadodra.

At NID, Haryana she has conducted textile courses including Fiber and yarn. Introduction to Dying, Traditional Indian text and History of costumes, Research methods, Craft research and studies,  Design Projects_Heritage textiles, Fabric Construction, Basic materials and methods and material combination. She also took RTW and collaborative material exploration project with Earthwatch Institute India on water Hyacinth.

She had bagged gold medal for first position in Bachelor’s and had also cleared National Eligibility test for lectureship in 2013. She has also been awarded with Savitri Pandit award for first position in MSc. Clothing and Textiles.

Apart from these, she has published one article, 06 full length publications and has presented 19 papers.

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